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Why We Love Wood Wicks....

Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Wood Wick candles are a luxurious and durable choice for any home, and they also happen to be natural. LV Candles only uses wood wick candles because of the enhanced overall benefits compared to traditional wicks. They provide a warm, cozy ambiance that is perfect for any occasion.

We use the highest quality wood wicks in the industry to ensure all candles burn evenly throughout, without wasting wax, or fragrance, and the longest life span of your candle.

Unlike other types of wicks, these burn cleaner with no soot or ash left behind when they've been extinguished. That means you'll be breathing in only pure air without any harmful chemicals!

Wood wick candles are a luxurious way to light your home. They have a natural, authentic look that will add warmth and ambiance to any space. Woodwick Candles come in many different scents from woody, fruity, spicy, floral, and more! Stay tuned for new candle lines featuring new colored wicks and shapes....

After a year of endless experiments in candle-making, LV Candles found our "secret sauce"/combination of the highest quality vessel, ingredients, and wood wick, combined with a process that takes approximately 7 days to achieve optimal results.

Standard candles typically take 24 - 48 hours before they are packaged and shipped out for sale, which often leads to candles with excessive burnout of any fragrance that is added during the pouring process.

Regardless of the reasons that we prefer wood wick candles, they may not always be the best wick, as every candle has a unique set of qualities that give it an optimum burn throughout.

We hope you found the information we shared about wood wicks to be useful and informative. We love using them because they are stylish, have a pleasing crackling sound similar to a log burning, and most importantly they smell amazing!

Tell us what you think of this blog post by commenting below or liking it if you enjoyed reading it. In our next blog, we'll discuss some of the downsides, differences, and maintenance tips common amongst wood wick candles.

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